Saturday, May 23, 2020

Texas Anti Marijuana Laws Should Be Banned - 966 Words

Texas has had a long history of being a state that marijuana is smuggled into across the border with Mexico. The anti-marijuana laws in Texas are some of the strictest in the United States with high fines and long prison sentences. Currently under Texas laws the possession of 2oz or less can result in 180 days in jail and or a fine up to $2000 dollars, as well as your license being suspended for 12 months. So why does Texas take a such a harsh stance against marijuana? Why does Texas keep throwing money on fighting a war on marijuana? How many more of our fellow Texans are going to have their lives ruined over using a plant that grows out of the ground. Through research I will show and explain how the current aggressive laws and policy against marijuana in Texas effects not only the users, but every Texan. The beginning of Texas anti-marijuana laws can be traced back to the city of El-Paso (Drug Policy ORG). Prior to 1914 Texas had no laws concerning the usage or sale of the p lant, but then the stories of people using marijuana in Mexico and terrorizing people made their way to El-Paso and the Deputy Sheriff Stanley Good. Deputy Good made it a personal mission of his to get El-Paso to make the substance illegal. The whole basis of his argument is that immigrants from Mexico will come to the Untied States and use the drug and terrorize El Paso. At the time marijuana use was prevalent in the border towns by both Americans and Mexicans but nobody gave it anyShow MoreRelatedThe War Over Marijuana1862 Words   |  7 Pagesrogue elephant in the game room everyone running for president pretends not to see. (Steigerwald) The present works aim is to analyze the concerns which revolve around the marijuana state and federal legalization debate, with special emphasis on its positive outcomes. 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