Monday, May 18, 2020

Education For A Better Future - 1493 Words

Education for a Better Future As students approach their senior year in high school the stressor of trying to get into an exceptional school kicks in; however, undocumented students deal with the fear of uncertainty in their future. â€Å"Around 65,000 undocumented immigrants graduate from high school, but out of those 65,000 only 6,500 go on to attend college†(Kelsey). Where these students come from should not affect the level of education they can obtain. Other states across America have already starting allowing undocumented students to apply for financial aid along with in-state tuition. There are thousands of undocumented students that get accepted into prestigious schools, but find themselves hopeless in the end because the cost may be too much to bear. Undocumented students should be able to earn in-state tuition given that they meet or excessed academic standards set by colleges, but given this certain laws should also be in place in order to avoid a surge of undocumen ted immigrants coming to America as a result of it. In United States twenty out of the fifty states are offering undocumented students the chance for in-state tuition. â€Å"Five of those states (California, Washington, Texas, New Mexico, and Minnesota) are going as far as offering undocumented students financial aid†. In order for those undocumented students in those twenty states to be granted these benefits they must first qualify and meet the states requirements. Although some states mayShow MoreRelatedA Better Future. . â€Å"Education Is The Passport To The Future,1528 Words   |  7 PagesA Better Future â€Å"Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for today†, exclaimed Malcolm X in People have very different reasons on why going to college and getting an education is important for them. A college education is one of the key values to one’s successful future by providing a secure pathway into finding a lifetime career. College education does not only help a person get a job, but also teaches he or she how to invest in themselvesRead MoreA Better Education For A Brighter Future1225 Words   |  5 Pages A Better Education for a Brighter Future When we think of our favorite celebrities and leaders, it is hard to imagine them having a life that is nothing but prosperous. However, many celebrities overcame many trials and tribulations before they become famous and rich. 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