Tuesday, November 26, 2019

The hatchet essays

The hatchet essays This book is about a young teenage boy named Brian Robeson. He was on a plan by himself with a pilot, but he didnt know his name is was Jake or Jim. He was on the plane going north to visit his dad because his mom and dad got a divorce and during the winter he would live with his dad and summer with his mom but this summer he was going to see his dad. But then he looked at the pilot and he didnt look so well he was rubbing his chest and then suddenly the pilot fell and was having a heart attack and was dieing and being a thirteen year old boy he got scared and then he tried to solve the problem and tried to radio for some help but was not sure how to work the radio and then he started to talk to some one but he didnt remember how to fly the plan or anything so he was in trouble and then the next thing he knows the plan crashes and it hits some kind of lake or ocean. The boy got out of the plan and went for land and there is were he decided to stay and wait for help to get there but he was not sure if they would come, because they might not know where he is, also how long would it take for them to go and find him and to save him. He knows that his dad will come for him or some thing so he stayed there. He built a shelter and made a fire and made a good boy that he might find a rabbit or something and he did find many rabbits and some other big animals but his little boy could not take one of them on they would kill him. So then as it got colder he made a better shelter and made a little pond out side of his little shelter and in side of this new shelter he built a fire that kept him very warm. He did have many problems, he had his little shelter attacked by a big bear and the bear took all of the food and damaged his shelter very bad and it also hurt Brian badly too. He didnt know what to do so he just lay there and he lived. After this he needed to find a way to get some kind of defense and he had to do it fas...

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