Thursday, November 14, 2019

Essay --

In today’s socio-political currency, often there is cheapened ‘Hero Inflation’ devoid of serious moral reflection in indiscriminate glory of dubious value. Within that promiscuous praise that greases the path for bottom of the barrel hyperbole debased hero-worshipping, and if you throw partisan vituperation of political complexities in the mix, it becomes absurd ventilation of the small soul’s lowest common denominator. You get all kinds of cluttered mind, suffocating echo chamber, denialism barking on style over substance. In their politically charged hyper reality, truth is variable, partial and filtered through narrow partisan optics. Soullessness of the chattering class are so vein that even old chestnuts falling from their favorite leaders’ mouth are treated like jewels. You may call it a mix of Rolling Stone and Mad magazines, with a dash of National Lampoon tossed in. Now with these elements getting into street politics outlier, ideologies get calcified, cocooned and extremism galvanized; unpersuaded by conventional understanding of facts, figures, & evidence; and always dismissive of the legitimacy of its political opposition. Leaders for whom they root for, are many a times are truly incompetent, can’t even recognize their own incompetence and that reigns supreme. They thrive in sloganeering & narrow echo chambers, where they listen to themselves and their supporting cast, and that keeps them going, forgetting that the rest of the country think they're empty-head, crazy. Because of these framed-up political game, national interest suffers, and whole nation eventually pays dearly for that. Looking at current politicking & electioneering in Dhaka, you can’t take politics out of these political elements. They are into polit... ...has also a partisan biasness in favor of Prime Minister Hasina’s Awami League. Their repeated, open interference in Bangladesh politics raises eye-brows in many quarters, more so because India is delaying in implementation of agreed India-Bangladesh Land Boundary protocol, water-sharing accord from common river of Padma & Teesta. Some even believe, India care less to be an honest broker, rather they are part of this turmoil instigator. Today Bangladesh is at the political cross-road. Controversy withstanding, diplomatic club is the last resort to bring some common-ground in this politically charged environment. Will they succeed? If they don’t, current political impasse would turn into a train-wreck waiting to happen. So I would urge upon all my fellow Bangladeshi compatriots to exert maximum pressure for finding a common ground & compromise. God bless Bangladesh.

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