Tuesday, December 24, 2019

The Threat Of Boko Haram Essay - 2157 Words

The perspective that Strategic Theorists have on the recent suicide bombing in Nigeria by terrorist cell Boko Haram would be that the intention of Boko Haram would not be that of pure rage and hatred but that of a strategic value. Nicholas Lemann highlights the views and some of the assumptions of this theory in his article What Terrorists Want. One of the main assumptions of strategic theory that this event does touch upon would be the assumption that Boko Haram has a political goal and their goal is to help create an Islamic state in Nigeria as especially northern Nigeria is a mainly Muslim population compared to the more Christian south of the country. What he would say about this event is that Boko Haram is not doing these bombings out of complete hatred for non-religious Nigerian Citizens but that they are doing this for a more complex reason, that they are part of a movement of using these bombings and conflict to create civil war and recruit people to create a wider Islamic S tate as a more ultimate goal. Boko Haram is allied with ISIL and shows that they are not just doing this out of pure rage but that they are serious about reaching their goal of a new Islamic state in Nigeria and aren’t just performing attacks like these out of pure rage like another theory in this article says. Another perspective of strategic theory especially in the case of the modern Islamic terrorists is that these terrorists recruit with these acts such as suicide bombings to show that notShow MoreRelatedThe Threat Of Boko Haram Essay1595 Words   |  7 Pagesemphasizes the preservation of the well-being of persons, including the protection of their socioeconomic, political and environmental rights. The notion of security is reorganized as a social construct, imbued with human faces (p.855). Although Boko Haram is categorized as a terrorist organization, it remains difficult to define terrorism itself under international law. With the rising of nationalist movements af ter the World War II in the old empires of the European powers, modern terrorism hasRead MoreBoko Haram : A Threat Of Western Civilization3365 Words   |  14 Pagesworshipers (Abubakar). Gombe is located in the northeastern region of Nigeria; northern Nigeria is an established Islamic region. Islamic extremist group Boko Haram, is gaining power within the north with the intention of destroying western civilization. Christianity is seen to be a result of western civilization. Many say that the group, Boko Haram, has purposely established themselves in the north with the purpose of isolating the desperate poor communities that live there. It’s unfortunate to seeRead MoreBoko Haram Is The Most Powerful Group1468 Words   |  6 Pagesinto an arrangement of shocking terror unbridled by Boko Haram. Nigeria has always been at the heart of security threatening challenges, but Boko Haram is the most powerful group as of yet. Boko Haram has claimed responsibility for many bombings and other terrorist activities north and central Nigeria, thus placing Nigeria on the verge of dissolution. Till date, terror caused by Boko Hara has resulted in an estimate of about 10,000 deaths. Boko Haram, officially called Jama’tu Ahlis Sunna Lidda’AwatiRead MoreThe Involvement Of Boko Haram1243 Words   |  5 Pagesterrorist organization wishes. This strategy has been utilized to aide recruitment. Boko Haram began to receive attention in 2003 when it launched attacks against police stations. The organization continued to attack police stations for a few years, primarily to steal arms and ammunition, but also because they understood that these were targets with high success rates. Not only did these targets provide weapons for Boko Haram, but it also increased their recruitment, due to the government s inability toRead More1.) Problem Statement: Boko Haram Has Become A Rapidly942 Words   |  4 Pages 1.) Problem Statement: Boko Haram has become a rapidly increasing threat to Northern Africa and the surrounding areas. There radical Islamic ideology has made them a serious threat to many North African nations who share similar ideologies, as well as a serious threat to the South African nations who are predominantly Christian. 2.) Background: Boko Haram is an Islamic terrorist organization that originated in Nigeria in 2002. Since the conception of Boko Haram, various attacks have been upheldRead MoreA Brief Note On The Country Of Nigeria1584 Words   |  7 PagesThis has recently led to very violent acts of protest and the taking of thousands of innocent lives. These acts of terrorism by northern Nigerian Islam extremists are becoming much more frequent because of a rather newly created terrorist group, Boko Haram. The group is growing in power and most likely is not being shut down any time soon. There are many reasons for this, including many Nigerian citizens being in poverty, Nigeria’s corrupt government, and most crucial, religious conflict. NigeriaRead MoreWhy Is Boko Haram?1625 Words   |  7 Pagesand remorseless assassinations, Nigeria has proven that while terrorism may be on the decline, local terrorist groups seem to still be on the rise and the unprecedented terrorist operations of Boko Haram have shattered the hope that peace is returning to Africa’s most populous country any time soon (â€Å"Boko Haram†). Nigeria is a West African country with a population of about 170 million people. It is a country divided with religion and ethnicity. The country is made up of both Muslims and ChristiansRead MoreBoko Haram : Africa Of Peril1529 Words   |  7 PagesBoko Haram: Africa in Peril The African Continent has had numerous problems in the last century that have caused low development, low hygiene, and high death rates. These problems include finances, lack of clean food and water, poor weather, diseases, and terrorist attacks. All of these problems can cause death, poverty, or a need to emigrate from the area. For years these problems have made it difficult to develop these countries to enable them to help their citizens and vanquish these problemsRead MoreBoko Haram : A Islamic Organization1445 Words   |  6 Pages Boko Haram is a militant Islamic group based in northeastern Nigeria, but is also active in northern Cameroon, Chad, and Niger (â€Å"Boko Haram Fast Facts† 1). Their main purpose as an organization is to institute Sharia, which is known as Islamic law (â€Å"Boko Haram Fast Facts† 1). In the local Hausa dialect, one of the largest ethnic groups spoken in West Africa, Boko Haram means â€Å"Western education is forbidden† (†Å"Boko Haram Fast Facts† 1). The group is also referred to as Jama’atu Ahlis Sunna Lidda’awatiRead MoreThe Violence Of Boko Haram1129 Words   |  5 Pagesand we don’t seem to notice. On April 14, nearly 300 Nigerian girls were abducted from their school. We cannot even imagine their darkest fears or the pain they are going through with the Boko Haram terrorists who took them. Boko Haram is a group of Nigerian terrorists ruled by a man named Abubakar. Boko Haram stands for â€Å"Western education is sinful†. But we can imagine how their parents and family are feeling. The abduction of these girls has led to many social media trends calling for their rescue

Monday, December 16, 2019

Stereotypes in the Classroom Free Essays

â€Å"If Americans are to embrace diversity, the conscious and unconscious expressions of racism (sexism) within our society must be identified and done away with. † Teachers must prepare themselves and the children for the ever changing challenge of interacting and communicating with diverse races. Reduction of fear, ignorance, and personal detachment are possible benefits to a multicultural education ( (Wilson). We will write a custom essay sample on Stereotypes in the Classroom or any similar topic only for you Order Now Multicultural education is the potential catalyst to bring all races together in harmony. Educators today have a moral responsibility to move beyond the limits of racial context to a social context that embraces humanity without barriers and fear. The responsibility of teachers is to get to know the children and the families that will be entering the program. Classrooms need to reflect every child and every family in the class. Do not make assumptions of what a child’s ethnic background is. This is putting a stereotype as to what you think of that culture. Get to know the children so that you can respectfully and accurately reflect them, their families and their lifestyles in the classroom ( (York, 2003). Children should feel like they belong in the class. Teachers need to make sure that they greet each child by name as they enter the classroom at the beginning of the day and to say good bye at the end of the day. Teachers need to remember to stay away from commercial teaching materials. Cartoon imagines inaccurately portray human beings and human diversity (York, 2003). Multicultural children’s books can be used effectively as a means for coming to understand individual human stories, and the universal emotions and themes they contain. Teachers need to be careful when picking books to use in the classroom. A book may look good when you first look at it but it may contain one or more stereotypic images. Teachers need to be very critical in evaluating books that they want to use in the classroom. Make sure that authors are writing fiction for young children that authenticate a culture’s heritage. How to cite Stereotypes in the Classroom, Essay examples

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Dispute Resolution Parties free essay sample

There are several forms of alternative dispute resolution, mediation, arbitration, negotiation, conciliation, mini-trial, fact-finding and utilizing a judicial referee. Arbitration and mediation are similar to where it is a form of negotiation and a neutral party settles the dispute. Negotiation is where the two parties negotiate to settle the dispute. A mini-trial is a shortened version of a traditional litigation trial. Fact-finding situations call for the parties to employ a third party to investigate the facts to come to a resolution. Lastly, a judicial referee is much like a mini-trial but both parties reserve the right to appeal. Ninety percent of cases are resolved through alternative dispute resolution (Harms,  2011). The next several paragraphs will identify risks associated with traditional litigation and the advantages of the alternative dispute resolution in reducing those risks. A Formal Process In a traditional litigation the process is very structured. Usually a lawyer is needed to represent then the process will proceed through the judicial system. We will write a custom essay sample on Dispute Resolution Parties or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page A judge and jury will render an unpredictable ruling based on the law rather than justice. An alternative dispute resolution is much more flexible. In the alternative dispute resolution parties can select a neutral decision maker with specific expertise pertaining to the dispute. The procedure and format also can be agreed upon by both parties. Full Disclosure The traditional litigation system is opened up to the media and public. The risk of proprietary confidential information from the organization can get out to the public and may hurt the organizations reputation. Competitors can obtain the information and use it to their advantage. Also others may become privy to the dispute and jump on the band wagon. The alternative dispute resolution is a private confidential process. The parties can specify that neither party will disclose details about the dispute or its resolution (American Management Association, 2011). Time-Consuming Each step of the traditional litigation can take so much time where it results in years before the judge and jury rule on a case. The answer phase is where the defendant provides an answer to the plaintiff can be lengthy. The discovery part of the process is where each party engages in various activities to discover facts of the case from the other party and witnesses prior to trial can be exhausting and time consuming (Cheeseman, 2010). Of course the trial can drag on for years. The alternative dispute resolution processes have realistic options to resolve disputes expeditiously. Cost Traditional litigation can become very expensive. The lawyers are expensive and depending on the length and the investigative work behind the scenes it will only increase the cost. Mediation, arbitrations and other forms of alternative dispute resolutions are not as pricey. The cost to the organization can affect the bottom-line. In addition with aspects of the disputes consuming much of the managers time, less time is spent doing their day-to-day duties. Reducing Risk Involved with Litigation Process There are steps managers can take to reduce the risk of litigation. Managers can ensure proper insurance is maintained and terms and conditions are understood among the workforce. Code of ethics training should be given regularly to explain risk associated. Management must remain cognizant of the environment and rules and regulation of the organization. A risk analysis can be developed by using internal and external influences, which would cause potential lawsuits on the company and how those risks can be mitigated. Traditional litigation can be protracted, costly and vexatious. Unfortunate for organizations some individuals want to expose the company and want their day in court. The process cost can affect the bottom-line and disrupt the business. With the alternative dispute resolution processes, it can be less expensive, confidential, less time-consuming and more informal. This way the company spends less time consumed with reactive litigations and more time doing what they do best. References American Management Association (AMA). (2011). What is ADR? Retrieved from http://wwwocc. treas. gov Cheeseman, H. R. (2010). Business Law: Legal Environment, Online Commerce, Business Ethics, and International Issues (7th ed. ). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. Harms, S. (April 26, 2011). Traditional Litigation vs. ADR. Retrieved from http://www. jdsupra. com

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Small Business Idea Paper Essay Sample free essay sample

A concern can make big amounts of income for an enterpriser or enterprisers. Most future concern proprietors have an thought of what type of service or merchandise to offer. Deciding the type of concern organisation to go can be a tough determination. Whether the it be a exclusive proprietary. partnership. C- Corporation. S- Corporation. or a Limited Liability Corporation. there will be many factors to take into consideration. It is of import to be educated or familiar with each concern organisation along with deductions and benefits. The ground why the proper concern organisation is of import is because. as an enterpriser picking the right concern organisation for the concern he or she wants to prosecute could be difference between success and failure. Sole Owner A exclusive owner is a concern owned by one individual. It is the easiest to organize of the concern signifiers. An advantage of a exclusive proprietary is an single owner owns and manages the concern and is responsible for all concern minutess. We will write a custom essay sample on Small Business Idea Paper Essay Sample or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page This can besides be a disadvantage. because one individual is responsible for the success of their concern. Tax Deductions Harmonizing to Entreprenuer. com ( 2005 ) .Because a exclusive proprietary is identical from its proprietor. exclusive proprietary revenue enhancement is rather simple. The income earned by a exclusive proprietary is income earned by its proprietor. A exclusive owner reports the exclusive proprietorship income and/or losingss and disbursals by make fulling out and registering a Schedule C. along with the standard Form 1040. Your net incomes and losingss are foremost recorded on a revenue enhancement signifier called Schedule C. which is filed along with your 1040. Then the â€Å"bottom-line amount† from Schedule C is transferred to your personal revenue enhancement return. This facet is attractive because concern losingss you suffer may countervail income earned from other beginnings. As a exclusive owner. you must besides register a Schedule SE with Form 1040. You use Schedule SE to cipher how much self-employment revenue enhancement you owe. You need non pay unemployment revenue enhancement on yourself. although you must pay unemployment revenue enhancement on any employees of the concern ( parity. 3-4 ) . Legal Deductions Exclusive owners are responsible for debts and cases. This illustration from enterpriser. com ( 2005 ) explains it best. For illustration. presume that a exclusive owner borrows money to run but the concern loses its major client. goes out of concern. and is unable to refund the loan. The exclusive owner is apt for the sum of the loan. which can potentially devour most of the proprietor personal assets ( parity. 6 ) . Fiscal Statement AssociationsSole proprietary is associated with all fiscal statements including the balance sheet. income statement. hard currency flow statement. and the stockholders statement ( Banks. 2012 ) . PartnershipA partnership is a concern owned by more than one individual. There like the exclusive proprietary the advantages can besides be the disadvantages. An advantage of a partnership is the chance of holding multiple persons fund the concern. Because there are multiple persons willing to fund the concern. those persons besides have a say so in what thoughts and schemes to implement. This could present hence. be a disadvantage of a partnership. Unlike the exclusive proprietary. a partnership involves multiple persons having a piece of the concern. Along with shared thoughts. besides comes shared net income. Legal Deductions Legally all spouses that are listed as proprietors are lawfully responsible for a cases or debts. Harmonizing to Richard Einerhann of Amaziness. com ( 2010 )Unless a partnership understanding provinces otherwise. the spouses portion concern net incomes and losingss every bit. and each general spouse has an equal right to take part in direction and control of the concern ( parity. 2 ) . Tax DeductionsHarmonizing to William Perez ( 2009 ) of approximately. com.partnerships and Limited Liability Companies are taxed at the stockholder degree. The IRS has non demanded that partnerships pay a sensible wage to pull offing stockholders. General spouses in a partnership are considered freelance. and their portion of net incomes are capable to the self-employment revenue enhancement. Limited spouses. nevertheless. pay self-employment revenue enhancement merely on guaranteed payments for services rendered to the partnership. Every partnership must hold at least one General Partner ( parity. 6 ) . Fiscal Statement Associations The fiscal statements that are associated with a partnership are the income statement. balance sheet. and proprietors equity ( Roberts. 2012 ) . C CorporationA C Corporation and an S Corporation are really similar. A difference between the two is Hundred Corporations are taxed separate from the proprietors. Harmonizing toreferenceforbusiness. com ( 2012 ) â€Å"when you or I start a concern it automatically becomes a C Corporation. The article reads the most basic feature of the corporation is it is lawfully viewed as an single entity. separate from its proprietors. who are now stockholders ( Encyclopedia of Business. 2012 ) . † An advantage of the C Corporation harmonizing to referenceforbusiness. com ( 2012 ) is. the fact the C Corporations stockholders are apt up to the sum they have invested in the corporation. The personal assets of stockholders can non be touched. Rather than buy expensive liability insurance. so. many little concern proprietors choose to integrate to protect themselves. A disadvantage of the C Corporation is. after they deduct all concern disbursals. such as wages. periphery benefits. and involvement payments. C corporations pay a revenue enhancement on their net incomes at the corporate degree. If any of those net incomes are so distributed as dividends to the stockholders. those persons must besides pay a revenue enhancement on the money when they file their personal revenue enhancement returns. Referenceforbusiness. com besides indicates a disadvantage of C Corporation is. corporations are governed by province and federal legislative acts. which means that they have to stay by sometimes intricate corporate Torahs ( Encyclopedia of Business. 2012 ) . Tax deductions Allbusiness. com provinces â€Å"a C Corporation is a legal entity that exists individually from its proprietors and is taxed as a separate entity. As a consequence. C corporations are capable to dual revenue enhancement ( â€Å"Tax Deductions Of C Corporation† . 2012 ) . † LegalStartup Legal indicates. â€Å"a C Corporation is the standard issue corporation. Its net incomes are taxed both at the corporate and single degree. it must follow with the greatest figure of formalities. and it has no bound on the figure of stockholders ( Startup Legal. 2003 ) . † S Corporation Harmonizing to BizFilings. com ( 2012. An S corporation is created through registering Articles of Incorporation with the Secretary of State or similar authorities organic structure. It issues stock and is governed as a corporation. The proprietors. who are called stockholders. have the same protection from liability as stockholders of a C corporation. An S Corporation shareholder’s personal assets. such as personal bank histories. can non be seized to fulfill concern liabilities ( parity. 1 ) . BizFilings indicates â€Å"an advantage of an S corporation frequently outweigh any sensed disadvantages. The S corporation construction can be particularly good when it comes clip to reassign ownership or stop the concern ( BizFilings. 2012 ) . † Some of the disadvantages of an S Corporation harmonizing to BizFilings is. the formation and on-going disbursals of an S Corporation is a disadvantage. To run as an S Corporation. concern proprietors must register an Articles of Incor poration. Stock ownership limitations apply to S Corporations. An S Corporation can hold merely one category of stock. although it can hold both vote and non-voting portions ( BizFilings. 2012 ) . † TaxWilliam Perez ( 2009 ) indicates.Because S Corporations can be owned by a individual individual the IRS expects S-Corporations to pay a sensible wage to the pull offing stockholder in add-on to a net income distribution. The proprietor is inclined to pay himself more as net incomes and less as wage in order to minimise the paysheet revenue enhancements that are due on salary ( parity. 6 ) . LegalHarmonizing to legal-dictionary. com ( 2012 ) .An S corporation must conform to a state’s Torahs that specify how a corporation must be formed. At lower limit. articles of incorporation must be filed with the Secretary of State. An S corporation must besides register a particular signifier with federal and province revenue enhancement authorization that notifies them of the election of the subchapter S position ( parity. 2 ) . Fiscal StatementsIncome statements are associated with S Corporations. Harmonizing to William Perez ( 2012 ) â€Å"income and disbursals are reported at the corporate degree. and the nature of assorted types of income and disbursal are identified at the corporate degree every bit good ( Perez. 2012 ) . † Shareholder equity statement and hard currency flow statements are besides associated with S Corporation ( Perez. 2012 ) . LLC A Limited Liability Corporation is a corporation that limits liability for its proprietors. Harmonizing to the U. S. Small Business Administration ( 2012 ) â€Å"A limited liability company is a intercrossed type of legal construction that provides the limited liability characteristics of a corporation and the revenue enhancement efficiencies and operational flexibleness of a partnership. The proprietors of an Limited Liability Corporation are referred to as members ( U. S. Small Business Administration. 2012 ) . † Some advantages of this type of organisation are the operational easiness and the easiness of net income sharing. Members and distribute net incomes as they see fit. Some disadvantages of this type of organisation is a batch of times when one member of the organisation leaves. the other members are left with that individuals debt to pay. Besides members of a Limited Liability Corporation are considered freelance and must pay the self-employment revenue enhancement p arts towards Medicare and Social Security ( U. S. Small Business Administration. 2012 ) . TaxHarmonizing to Tiare Rath ( 2012 )The revenue enhancement deductions of a Limited Liability Corporation differ from those of corporations. Limited Liability Corporation’s use â€Å"pass-through revenue enhancement. † which means the Limited Liability Corporation does non pay revenue enhancements. Income from the concern is alternatively passed down to the company’s proprietors. who are called members in Limited Liability Corporation’s. They claim the net incomes or losingss on their personal revenue enhancement signifiers. Single-owner of Limited Liability Corporation’s wage revenue enhancements on Form1040 with the Internal Revenue Service. Partnership Limited Liability Corporation. in which there is more than one proprietor. must register partnership returns utilizing Form 1065 ( parity. 4 ) . The revenue enhancement deductions of an LLC are non as good when it comes to losingss. You may non be able to subtract all losingss for your concern bec ause you have chosen to restrict your personal liability in the company ( para 8 ) Legal Miranda Morley ( 2012 ) indicates.One of the major grounds concern proprietors make their companies Limited Liability Corporations alternatively of another type of concern is that personal liability is limited in Limited Liability Corporations. In other words. if a Limited Liability Corporation is sued. the debitor can take the concern assets but non the personal assets of the proprietors. including their places and autos. However. an owner’s personal assets are non ever protected in a Limited Liability Corporation ( Para 2 ) . Fiscal statements Limited Liability Corporation balance sheet and income statements are the dominate statements used by Limited Liability Corporations. Some proprietors would wish to maintain stockholders happy with informed and in depth fiscal statements ( Kaufman. 2008 ) . Sarbanes- OxleySarbanes Oxley and other governmental bureaus are at that place to forestall proprietors from stealing money from the organisation. Those governmental bureaus are at that place to assist modulate the concern organisations The services that Door Hangers and More provide is direct to the door advertisement. Door Hangers and More is an alternate to direct mail. Door Hangers and More is a door to door company where grownup squads or crews deliver printed publicizing stuff straight to possible clients. Door Hangers and More has many advertisement merchandises. Door Hangers and More has a direct mail plan that mails client advertisement to possible clients near the client location. Door Hangers and More has an advertisement magazine that is besides mailed all throughout the metropolis and environing countries. but zoned to better suit clients with merely one location. Door Hangers and More has a hoggish back plan that allows more than one client travel on possible client doors at the same clip. This reduces cost for both clients and allows clients that own more than one concern to publicize with the other. Materials and labour needed for Door Hangers and More are minimum. A on the job vehicle and a crew of independent contractors will be plenty to administer advertisement stuff for clients. Computers and other office supplies. gas. phone. and auto care are things taken into consideration when holding this a low cost organisation. Other than a topographic point to hive away advertisement stuff. an office is non needed. Door Hangers and More can be operated in a room in a place. Door Hangers and More will be ran as exclusive proprietary. Research indicates that Door Hangers and More would outdo benefit if operated as a exclusive proprietary. Based on the research. financially a exclusive proprietary makes the most logical sense. This concern has a low start-up cost. so no partnership or stockholders needed. This concern is besides cheap to keep. Owning a concern under the concern organisation of a exclusive owner means that there will be no net income sharing. Based on the research. lawfully debts can be resolved by creditors devouring personal assets. but having a low cost concern. such as this. hazard are low. The many revenue enhancement write-downs received with being a exclusive owner will countervail any deficiency of income the concern may or may non endure from. Business organisations are an of import ingredient to any successful organisation. Potential concern proprietors should educate the mselves about the different concern organisations. Choosing the correct concern organisation is important and can be more hard than taking an industry to come in. When make up ones minding on a concern organisation a concern proprietor should be certain it fits every facet of how he or she wants to run their concern. Mentions Banks. Ivana. ( 2010 ) . Tips on Fixing a General Partnership Financial Statement. Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: //www. brighthub. com/office/entrepreneurs/articles/97557. aspx The Basics Of Sole Proprietorship. ( 2005 ) . Retrieved fromhypertext transfer protocol: //www. enterpriser. com/article/77798 # BizFilings. ( 2012 ) . S Corporation Advantages And Disadvantages. Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: //www. bizfilings. com/learn/s-corporation-advantages-and-disadvantages. aspx Encyclopedia of Business. ( 2012 ) . C Corporation. Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: //www. referenceforbusiness. com/small/Bo-Co/C-Corporation. hypertext markup language Einerhann. R. ( 2010 ) . What are the legal deductions of a partnership? . Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: //www. amazines. com/Law/article_detail. cfm/2206579? articleid=2206579 The Free Dicitonary. ( 2012 ) . S Corporation. Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: //legal- lexicon. thefreedictionary. com/S+Corporation Kaufman. N. ( 2008 ) . What sort of fiscal studies are minimally required of an LLC. and how frequently should they be made available to the spouses? . Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: //www. enterpriser. com/answer/221503 Morley. M. ( 2012 ) . What Are Some Legal or Ethical Issues You Face as an LLC? . Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: //smallbusiness. chron. com/legal-ethical-issues-face-llc-18654. hypertext markup language Perez. W. ( 2009 ) . Integrating Your Business. Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: //taxes. about. com/od/taxplanning/a/incorporating_3. htm Perez. W. ( 2012 ) . S-Corporation Accounting. Retrieved fromhypertext transfer protocol: //taxes. about. com/od/scorporations/a/scorp_account. htm Rath. T. ( 2012 ) . See the Tax Implications of an LLC Before You Create One. Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: //sbinformation. about. com/od/ownership1/a/llctax. htm Roberts. S. ( 2012 ) . Fiscal Statements of a Sole Proprietorship. Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: //smallbusiness. chron. com/financial-statements-sole-proprietorship-14717. hypertext markup language Startup Legal. ( 2003 ) . C Corporation. Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: //www. startup-legal. com/C- Corporation- ( C-Corp ) . htm Tax Implications of C Corporation. ( 2012 ) . Retrieved fromhypertext transfer protocol: //www. allbusiness. com/accounting-reporting/corporate-taxes/1148-1. html # axzz2FqoLkAcT U. S. Small Buisness Administration. ( 2012 ) . Limited Liability Company. Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: //www. Small Business Administration. gov/content/limited-liability-company-llc

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

The hatchet essays

The hatchet essays This book is about a young teenage boy named Brian Robeson. He was on a plan by himself with a pilot, but he didnt know his name is was Jake or Jim. He was on the plane going north to visit his dad because his mom and dad got a divorce and during the winter he would live with his dad and summer with his mom but this summer he was going to see his dad. But then he looked at the pilot and he didnt look so well he was rubbing his chest and then suddenly the pilot fell and was having a heart attack and was dieing and being a thirteen year old boy he got scared and then he tried to solve the problem and tried to radio for some help but was not sure how to work the radio and then he started to talk to some one but he didnt remember how to fly the plan or anything so he was in trouble and then the next thing he knows the plan crashes and it hits some kind of lake or ocean. The boy got out of the plan and went for land and there is were he decided to stay and wait for help to get there but he was not sure if they would come, because they might not know where he is, also how long would it take for them to go and find him and to save him. He knows that his dad will come for him or some thing so he stayed there. He built a shelter and made a fire and made a good boy that he might find a rabbit or something and he did find many rabbits and some other big animals but his little boy could not take one of them on they would kill him. So then as it got colder he made a better shelter and made a little pond out side of his little shelter and in side of this new shelter he built a fire that kept him very warm. He did have many problems, he had his little shelter attacked by a big bear and the bear took all of the food and damaged his shelter very bad and it also hurt Brian badly too. He didnt know what to do so he just lay there and he lived. After this he needed to find a way to get some kind of defense and he had to do it fas...

Friday, November 22, 2019

Dandelions and Medallions

Dandelions and Medallions Dandelions and Medallions Dandelions and Medallions By Maeve Maddox Reader Richard Walker wonders if the -lion endings in words like dandelion and medallion have anything to do with lions. Yes, where dandelion is concerned; no, for medallion. The English word dandelion comes from French dent-de-lion, lions tooth. This name derives from the toothed leaves of the plant. Modern French speakers call the dandelion pissenlit, pee in the bed. Middle English speakers called it the piss-a-bed. Herbalists know that the dandelion has diuretic qualities. Medallion, on the other hand, comes from Italian medaglione, large medal. The word medal comes ultimately from Latin metallum, metal. A taxi medallion is a license that allow taxi drivers to operate in the US. Here are some quotations from the newspapers: the soil a bit,† said Ryan Anderson, program and communications manager for Midwest Pesticide Action Center. â€Å"Dandelions are good at reducing soil erosion.(www.chicagotribune.com) Uppkar Thind said he has to drive his yellow cab as many 13 hours a day, as he struggles to pay off a taxi medallion that he bought 11 years ago. (www.nytimes.com) a forerunner of the City Council, to pass the Haas ordinance. That law limited the number of hack licenses medallions that made it legal for taxis to transport passengers who hailed them on the street. (www.nytimes.com) value of Chicagos taxi medallions have plummeted dramatically over the last several years. Now, foreclosures in the city boasts the second (www.usatoday.com) Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Spelling category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:50 Rhetorical Devices for Rational WritingBody Parts as Tools of MeasurementJanuary 1 Doesn't Need an "st"

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Religious symbolism in literature Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Religious symbolism in literature - Essay Example Furthermore, the cross has been represented by numerous authors to depict the crucifixion of Jesus (Kozlovic 45). This is symbol of the Christian faith which is used in most of the churches. For instance, the bible asserts that Christ Jesus died on the cross for our sins. According to the book of Colossians chapter one in verse 20, Paul posits that, â€Å"Through his blood, shed on the cross† (Lewis 29). In addition, there are several symbols of cross which have been used in art and history. For instance, the Roman Catholic, and the protestant churches have been implied in various ways. In literature, several authors have alluded to the Garden of Eden in various works. For instance, the early American literature alludes to Christopher Columbus as the first man who discovered America in 1492. In addition, Shakespeare has incorporated both the snake and the garden as recurrent images. Through these images, Old Hamlet is viewed as a very good man who is a victim of the vicious deceptive murder of Claudius. The murder is abhorrent because Old Hamlet is a brother to Claudius, which is a similar incident to that of Cain and Abel in the Bible. Furthermore, when Hamlet is asked about the murder he alludes the Eden images. More so, due to corruption and sins at the court, the garden has been choked by weeds (Dasterdi). In addition, literary authors have also incorporated paradise as religious symbols in literary texts. For instance, in the novel, â€Å"Paradise Lost†, there are varied images about the loss of the true paradise. These images include the Garden of Eden. According to Milton, the Garden of Eden emerges as the best. He also asserts that heaven is another paradise which is ever bright. In book 12, Michael reminds Adam that it’s through Christianity that one can have a perfect life, as Christianity had not been invented. Furthermore, anyone who learns to love God, shall posses an inside paradise. That is paradise

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Marketing strategies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Marketing strategies - Essay Example This paper applies different marketing concepts and strategies to analyze Starbucks Cafà ©. Starbucks Cafà © is a world leading retailer in specialty coffee drinks with over 15,000 stores across 43 countries (Annual Report: Starbucks, 2007). Last year the company total global amounted to $10.31 billion (Yahoo, 2008). The company follows two major marketing philosophies which are the customer concept and the societal marketing concept. The application of the customer concept at Starbucks is achieved through the company vision of providing the best customer service in the industry. At Starbucks customer service is not just a business function it is integrated into the corporate culture. This company whose core business is selling quality coffee beverages has become a global icon of popular culture in the United States and worldwide. At Starbucks coffee is not just a drink, it is a complete experience. People go to Starbucks because it offers an eccentric comfortable atmosphere that is created by the company’s partners (employees). Starbucks offers a variety of the best tasting top quality coffees in the world. The clients are enticed to stay around the stores and hangout to enjoy some of the company’s other products and services such as coffee merchandise, fresh foods, consumer and entertainment products which include high speed wireless internet access (Starbucks). In 2006 Starbucks was ranked number ten in customer service in the world by BusinessWeek for their friendliness, knowledge and availability (Businessweek, 2007). Customer service is a strategy that is integrated in the entire supply chain. At Starbucks the customer service philosophy starts with the coffee farmers & makers and its suppliers of materials. Starbucks builds close relationships of mutual benefit with its suppliers to ensure the company obtains the possible price and on time delivery. The

Saturday, November 16, 2019

The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini Essay Example for Free

The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini Essay On the surface Baba and Amir depict completely contrasting personalities. Amir is a timid, insecure child. Baba is a generous, respected over-achiever. Despite outward appearances however they share some startling similarities. They both hide a terrible secret from everyone they hold dear, and they both spend a significant part of their lives trying to atone for their respective sins. Its only when they deal with these issues that their true colors really show. In reality Baba and Amirs few similarities far outweigh their many differences. Amir and Baba appear to the outside world, and even to each other to be completely different people. Amir perceives Baba as perfect. Amir sees his father as a wealthy, and powerful man; everything anyone could aspire to be. In contrast Baba sees Amir as a weakling and a coward for the most part. He seems almost disgusted by Amirs weak stomach and cowardly tendencies. Baba loves Amir, but he finds his inability to relate to him a difficult hurdle to get over. Baba was athletic as a young man, a competitor who was used to winning. He used what he knew and tried to relate to Amir through sports, but despite Amirs best attempts to feign interest Baba saw through his charade, which only discouraged him further. Amir made his own attempts to bridge the gap between them with his stories, but Baba simply dismissed them as being childish. Baba would not encourage Amir to pursue writing because he didnt see it as a masculine thing to do. Perhaps one of the most prevalent differences between Baba and Amir is the way they see Hassan. In many ways Baba sees him as the son Amir should have been. Hassan is athletic, hard working, and exceptionally loyal. Amir treats Hassan like an underling, someone who makes him feel better about himself. Amir used Hassans illiteracy to make him feel better about himself. Even though they are genuinely friends, Amir still thinks of him as merely a Hazara, and harbors jealousy towards any affection Hassan receives from Baba. Hassan is not only the catalyst to many of their biggest differences, but also the foundation for their most intimate similarity. Baba and Amir may seem completely different but the biggest testament to their similar personalities is the way they deal with the most serious problems in their lives. Baba fathers an illegitimate son and tried to keep  him a secret for the sake of reputation. Amir allowed his best friend to be raped and uses the incident to gain his fathers love. Baba tried to alleviate his guilt over bedding his servants wife by treating Hassan equal to Amir, showering him with gifts and affection. Showing affection to Amir however made Baba feel even guiltier about Hassans situation so Amir is starved of his love. Subsequently Amir began to despise Hassan and did nothing to help him when he was raped by Assef. In fact he used the situation to force Hassan and Ali out of his home. The regret he faced haunted him for the rest of his life and he tried to atone for it by getting Hassans son out of Afghanistan. Both father and son in this scenario spent their lives dealing with an incident that they couldnt overcome. Baba showed he could be as cowardly as Amir when he refused to acknowledge Hassan as his son, and Amir showed he could be as brave as his father by going to Afghanistan and fighting Assef to save Sohrab. Baba and Amir found it difficult to show affection for one another throughout Amirs childhood due in large part to the glaring differences in their personalities. However, late in life Amir realizes that theyre really two of a kind. When theyre forced to deal with problems they show that their natural tendencies are strikingly similar. Baba and Amirs personalities are polar opposites, but at their core they are the same. Bibliography: Khaled Hosseini, The Kite Runner

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Essay --

In today’s socio-political currency, often there is cheapened ‘Hero Inflation’ devoid of serious moral reflection in indiscriminate glory of dubious value. Within that promiscuous praise that greases the path for bottom of the barrel hyperbole debased hero-worshipping, and if you throw partisan vituperation of political complexities in the mix, it becomes absurd ventilation of the small soul’s lowest common denominator. You get all kinds of cluttered mind, suffocating echo chamber, denialism barking on style over substance. In their politically charged hyper reality, truth is variable, partial and filtered through narrow partisan optics. Soullessness of the chattering class are so vein that even old chestnuts falling from their favorite leaders’ mouth are treated like jewels. You may call it a mix of Rolling Stone and Mad magazines, with a dash of National Lampoon tossed in. Now with these elements getting into street politics outlier, ideologies get calcified, cocooned and extremism galvanized; unpersuaded by conventional understanding of facts, figures, & evidence; and always dismissive of the legitimacy of its political opposition. Leaders for whom they root for, are many a times are truly incompetent, can’t even recognize their own incompetence and that reigns supreme. They thrive in sloganeering & narrow echo chambers, where they listen to themselves and their supporting cast, and that keeps them going, forgetting that the rest of the country think they're empty-head, crazy. Because of these framed-up political game, national interest suffers, and whole nation eventually pays dearly for that. Looking at current politicking & electioneering in Dhaka, you can’t take politics out of these political elements. They are into polit... ...has also a partisan biasness in favor of Prime Minister Hasina’s Awami League. Their repeated, open interference in Bangladesh politics raises eye-brows in many quarters, more so because India is delaying in implementation of agreed India-Bangladesh Land Boundary protocol, water-sharing accord from common river of Padma & Teesta. Some even believe, India care less to be an honest broker, rather they are part of this turmoil instigator. Today Bangladesh is at the political cross-road. Controversy withstanding, diplomatic club is the last resort to bring some common-ground in this politically charged environment. Will they succeed? If they don’t, current political impasse would turn into a train-wreck waiting to happen. So I would urge upon all my fellow Bangladeshi compatriots to exert maximum pressure for finding a common ground & compromise. God bless Bangladesh.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Leaving home Essay

Note: I think u should define the authors definition of obligation and loyalty in the introduction or ur understanding of their definitions in terms of ur thesis cuz sometimes its hard to understand the difference b/w the two..and that shouldn’t really happen cuz that is the focus of ur essay Red: corrections (make sure u read the sentence wit read stuff cuz the whole sentence had to change sometimes) Blue: comments Yellow highlight: erase those things (not needed) Leaving home is a difficult choice for any individual to make. A decision of this caliber contains conditions of no obligation, enforced obligation, and obligation in conflict with loyalty. Under these circumstances, a citizen’s loyalty to his/her country ceases to make sense, which is supported by Shklar’s article, â€Å"Obligation, loyalty, exile†. Judith Shklar, in her essay has evidently analyzed the argument of ‘obligation, loyalty and exile’, in regards to emigration. Though there are many unconditional matters to be questioned, the focus of this essay will be on the in my interest to structure (structure of wat, exile?) and define the chosen reasons for exile argued in Shklar’s article. â€Å"In ordinary talk the two words loyalty and obligation are generally used interchangeably as if they were identical†, but it is Shklar’s argument â€Å"that it is important not only to keep them apart but to go on to make clear the distinctions between obligation, commitment, loyalty, allegiance, and fidelity†. (Shklar, 182) This essay will support her argument and show how both obligation and loyalty are both principle elements that force a person to exile. Obligation is defined as rule governed conducts and â€Å"political obligation specifically refers to laws and law-like demands, made by public agencies.† (Shklar, 183) When thinking of obligation, one may connect it with loyalty. Many individuals come to the conclusion that obligation exists where there is loyalty, but another view argued by Shklar argues is that it is more rational to ‘keep them separate’. Through her extreme examples of exiles such as ‘limiting case’, Shklar’s arguments are adequate and evident. (I don’t think u need this sentence, if u want it there, it needs to be reworded-try to maintain one tense-usually present tense) It is an individual right to feel protected by his or her own country, a right for a sense of belonging, and, most importantly, mainly a the right to be protected. With regards to obligation and exile, it is common practice to one would question the importance of justice. â€Å"Injustice not only cancels obligations and undermines loyalties, however resilient the latter may seem; it also engenders the conflict between obligation and the effective ties that bind us†. (Shklar, 197) Hence, if this statement is true,(don’t say this ur trying to prove ur thesis, by saying if, ur argument weakens-ur arguments have to be strong) it is reasonable to conclude that justice arises with the presence of both obligation and loyalty. Unfortunately, it has become increasingly difficult to maintain justice due to the rise in swindle, cheating, and lying in government strategy. Betrayal to state and irrational obligation has become another reason why an individual would exile from his or her country. (this sentence doesn’t really flow with the essay at this point, but maybe if u reword it, itl work-but seems like its another agrument in itself) Enforcement of law, where forced obligation becomes unbearable, may also lead an individual to exile. The author portrayed this reason of exile through an example of a French army man, Traifis. Traifis was accused of passing secret’s to German’s and was convicted and charged accordingly. Through all of this, he still became loyal to obey (wrong word-wat r u trying to say?-protect?) his country, though in reality he was betrayed by his own state. The author finds it difficult to understanding how one could still be loyal to a country without feeling obligated. (this needs to be explained more-the definitions of the 2 cuz its hard to understand the difference at this point, or how they do/don’t relate to eachother) His obligation ceased, and he signed up with the army again; this shows that his loyalty is greater than the feeling of obligation. This is a case which Shklar would describe as â€Å"crazy†. (don’t need this sentence) It is important to note how Shklar stresses that â€Å"obligation is a reasoned answer†. If one cannot come up with a reasoned answer as to why he or she should obey, then there is no place for obligation to exist. (this is good to put in ur intro to describe the meaning of obligation in the eyes of the author†¦if not, put it in the beginning of this argument, it’ll help the reader understand ur argument better) An important point to note is that those who leave home do not necessarily disobey the state, but rather the state has disobeyed them. As one’s right to feel safe is taken away, the insecurity drives the citizen away from his or her own land. Shklar uses more specific and extreme cases to strengthen her argument that it is the degree of injustice and cruelty that many ordinary people have been through in the past, and unfortunately many more are victims of same examples today. (u need a more strong concluding sentence and I think u should only uses this lsat point if u give an actual example from the article-if its just a point within her essay, don’t say it’s a specific extreme case-maybe say that she is strong to point out that†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..) Government conduct is only one of the driving factors of exile, for emotional attachment plays a large part in an individuals actions as well. (this is to tie in the two arguments together, as for the beginning of the sentence, that’s wat I understood of the first argument, if its wrong, then change it†¦.jus wanted to give u a idea for a concluding sentence) The emotional attachment to loyalty varies that from obligation. Sklar points out that â€Å"[t]he emotional character of loyalty also sets it apart from obligation. If obligation is rule driven, loyalty is motivated by the entire personality of an agent. Political loyalty is evoked by nations, ethnic groups, churches, parties, and by doctraines, causes, ideologies, or faiths that form and identify associations.† (Shklar, 184). Thus, loyalty is deeply affective and not primarily rational. (Shklar, 184) These are all characters that enhance a person’s beliefs and values, and are very essential to one’s personality, and, most importantly, affect the person’s judgment regarding loyalty. The above mentioned characteristics also give the individual a sense of ‘identity’ (if this is a quote from the article, it needs to be referenced). As the author argues, â€Å"political loyalty may survive, but not obligation to obey the law. That is why I assumed that exiles have no obligation to the country that expels them illegally and unconstitutionally†, demonstrating how loyalty exceeds obligation. (Shklar, 190) If the state refuses to oblige to citizens responsibility, then in return the citizen is not ‘obligated'(don’t use quotes-maybe italisize or bold for affect-only try to use quotes for direct ones, otherwise it gets confusing) to obey its state. The tension of loyalty arises as the terms nationalism, betrayal, fear of its own state, and most importantly ‘exile’, are questioned. The physical and emotional abuse of state being the push factor of your exile, makes one’s belonging to his/her own country meaningless, and makes the ‘other side’ (wat is the other side?) seem more prominent. If one is loyal to a country, one may choose to stay, though on the other hand, obligation would not last as long as loyalty. Though it may seem easier to exile (maybe u should use flee the country or something, exile doesn’t seem to fit) without feeling obligated to his or her state, but the choice is still difficult to make. When loyalty is questioned, one becomes very pessimistic of his or her own conclusions, as loyalty is a feeling that is not reasoned, but is not irrational. Leaving home is not an easy choice for any individual to make, this point has been now stated several times in this essay and has a stronger meaning than one may think. (I don’t think u need this sentence to start of this paragraph) Leaving home can be described by the word exile, which can be defined as: â€Å"someone who involuntarily leaves the country of which he or she is a citizen.† (Shklar, 187). Exile can be caused by poverty, fear, war, betrayal of politics and/or injustice. All these elements in one’s mind can be judged by the religion of obligation and loyalty. Suffering the threat of exile can sometimes be worse than a soldier taking off to fight in war. My parents also faced a great obstacle which lead them to face the fear of exile. The life story of my parents that has taken place from country to country, Pakistan to Norway, and Norway to Canada. At a young age, my parents moved from Pakistan to Norway in hope for a bright future. Though they were both loyal to their home country, they felt no obligation to stay and change its unstable political state. My mother joined my father after he had established a business and home, and as years passed they both became good citizens of Norway, and my mother joined the government working for the immigration department. Aside from their own professions, they were both journalists working for their own small community in the city of Oslo. As they worked closer with the state, the feeling of belonging became more uncomfortable. This was a kind of state which did not appreciate your religion and/or culture. Hence, Norway can be described as a very nationalist country. At the age of seven, I was sent to live with my aunt in Pakistan to start school there. It was not the knowledge of math or science that was better, but the knowledge of my religion and culture that was very important to my family. Living in a Caucasian (another word for white) society, my parents were scared that I would not be able to interact with the people that surrounded me due to the difference in our religious and cultural beliefs. As the separation (separation from wat?) was starting to become difficult, my parents were forced to search for another solution. As a child, I cannot recall finding it very difficult to fit it (use another word for fit in-its too casual), but as years passed, I realized the ‘ugly truth of being an outcast’, and started noticing little incidents where I was treated different then the rest of the group. My parents had always known this reality, but chose to stay silent, thinking it may be ignored. It became more visible when my teacher started behaving different. I was a good student, and when my participation was greater than the rest of the group, I was simply asked to leave the class. As I left, I left with great pain and humiliation. My parents were well settled with a prosperous business and a good life within our home, though the outside reality of life was very constrained. Though they were fortunate in wealth, they were less fortunate in freedom of expressing their own identity. The struggle to seeking an ethnological society led to a search for a better land, where freedom to be oneself was considered as an important right. This is how I ended up in POL81A at the University of Toronto. My parents packed up everything they had worked hard for over the last twenty-four years and migrated to Canada. Being able to attend Friday prayers at mosque or celebrate Eid with joy or simple things like being able to say â€Å"I am Muslim†, were characteristics that mattered the most for my family. Being able to live in an environment of tolerance, acceptance and multiculturalism is like living in peace after war. It is important to note that my parents always obeyed the state, but they lost their loyalty as they lost their identity. The restricted conditions which forced my family to hide their identity, forced us to exile into a strange country, but in hope for a promised land. Politics has formed its behavior into a universal religion, where its faith depends on loyalty and obligation. Comments: ur last argument was very well written†¦.and made up very well might I add 🙂 neways, I hope my comments help, cuz sometimes I really didn’t no how to change some if without really knowing wat the article was about. Good luck!

Saturday, November 9, 2019

How to Assemble a Cardboard Chair

Assembly Instructions 1. Retrieve a refrigerator box. Cut it open so that the box can lay flat on the floor. On one side of the box draw the hockey stick shape to the right big enough to fit your measurements and cut it out using a box cutter, kitchen knife or scissors (whichever you would prefer). 2. Use the hockey stick shape you cut out and trace it 4 more times on the other sides of the refrigerator box. Then, cut them out. You should have 5 of the shapes now. 3. Draw 3 inch lines 2 inches away from each other ll-around along the edges of 3 out of the 5 hockey stick shapes. Use your cutting utensil to slice the 3 inch lines creating slots along the edges.4. Count the amount of slots you have. Get a cardboard box and cut it open so that the box can lay flat on the floor. Then use a ruler or straight edge to draw 2 by 26 inch strips to cut out. Cut out as many strips of cardboard needed to fill each slot that was cut along the edges of the hockey stick shapes. 5. Line up the 3 hock ey stick shapes with the edges cut side by side 11 inches away from one another. . Place each strip in each slot. 7. Cut off the excess cardboard on the outside of the chair to make the sides smooth/flat. 8. Take the other two remaining hockey stick shapes and glue one to each side of the chair. 9. Retrieve another refrigerator box and cut it open so that the box can lay flat on the floor. On one side of the box draw the flower to the left big enough to fit your measurements and cut it out using the cutting utensil of your choice. 10. Take the cut out flower, place it onto another side of the refrigerator box, trace ONLY THETOP HALF of the flower and then cut that out. 11. Take the top half of the flower, place it onto another side of the refrigerator box, trace it, and cut it out. 12. Glue the big full flower to the back of the chair 13. Glue one of the half flowers to the seat of the chair and the other to the area where a person’s back would rest. Tip: If chair is being de corated, painted, or accessorized, please decorate, paint, and accessorize everything before gluing anything together. Otherwise, just follow each step exactly.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Free Essays on Injustice

Injustice is a problem which everyone faces. Nobody likes to suffer from injustice, yet they do it to others. In the novel, " To Kill A Mockingbird " written by Harper Lee, there are three characters who suffer the most injustice. They are Atticus, Tom Robinson and Boo Radley. Atticus, a man with great wisdom, suffers from the fact that he had taken on a Negro case. He was constantly persecuted for his decision, which made him work even harder at winning the case. Even though his family was made fun of, he stuck with his choice and worked the hardest he could to ignore the threats and harassment. He did very well to ignore all the abuse and was greatly respected after the trial was over. Another person who suffered from injustice was Tom Robinson. He was charged with a crime he did not commit. His side of the story was not believed because he was black, which really shows the amount of injustice during the time the novel was set in. Through the whole trial, he did not retaliate at the white people, he did not get mad because he was improperly accused, he just showed the level of respect which everyone deserves. He handled the injustice with a manner reserved only for gentlemen, which is a good description of what he really was. The third person to suffer injustice in the novel was Boo Radley. Many accusations were claimed about him even though they were untrue. Just because he didn't leave his house, people began to think something was wrong. Boo was a man who was misunderstood and shouldn't of suffered any injustice. Boo did not handle the injustice because he didn't know about it. In conclusion, the person who deserves the deepest sympathy is Tom Robinson. He did nothing wrong but his crime was being nice to white people. This type of injustice is the worst because everyone puts up with it. Therefore, Atticus, Tom Robinson and Boo Radley suffered the most injustice in the novel.... Free Essays on Injustice Free Essays on Injustice Martin Luther King Jr. is a famous minister from the south who fought an endless battle with the government for nothing more than equal rights of blacks. He was known for his non-violent approach when seeking equality. His non-violent approach consisted of four steps: collection of the facts to determine whether injustices were alive, negotiation, self-purification, and direct action. In 1963 he was arrested for trying to foster equal rights in Birmingham, Alabama. In his process of seeking equal rights, he used his non-violent approach in hope of ending all segregation and disrespect towards blacks. He carried out his mission by holding boycotts, sit-ins, and other demonstrations. Before King was able to carry out his direct-action campaign, he had to collect the facts, which is the first step of his non-violent approach. Although, it was not long before King had his information. Being a minister in Atlanta, Georgia King was a member and President of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, who had many affiliations with other churches including the one in Birmingham. King believed that, â€Å"Whatever effects one directly affects all indirectly.† (p. 840). This was King’s reason for being involved in the protests. He felt like he was left with no choice, Birmingham was one of the most thoroughly segregated cities in the United States, and had a great amount of police brutality. It also was known for the mistreatment of African Americans, or Negroes in the court system. This was all the information King needed to continue his approach toward seeking equality. The next step in the non-violent approach was negotiation. King made many attempts to negotiate with officials and prevent a lot, if not all of the demonstrations planned. He talked with leaders of the economic community for many hours. At the end of their meeting, they agreed that all of the racial and segregating signs would be taken down. This made King... Free Essays on Injustice Injustice is a problem which everyone faces. Nobody likes to suffer from injustice, yet they do it to others. In the novel, " To Kill A Mockingbird " written by Harper Lee, there are three characters who suffer the most injustice. They are Atticus, Tom Robinson and Boo Radley. Atticus, a man with great wisdom, suffers from the fact that he had taken on a Negro case. He was constantly persecuted for his decision, which made him work even harder at winning the case. Even though his family was made fun of, he stuck with his choice and worked the hardest he could to ignore the threats and harassment. He did very well to ignore all the abuse and was greatly respected after the trial was over. Another person who suffered from injustice was Tom Robinson. He was charged with a crime he did not commit. His side of the story was not believed because he was black, which really shows the amount of injustice during the time the novel was set in. Through the whole trial, he did not retaliate at the white people, he did not get mad because he was improperly accused, he just showed the level of respect which everyone deserves. He handled the injustice with a manner reserved only for gentlemen, which is a good description of what he really was. The third person to suffer injustice in the novel was Boo Radley. Many accusations were claimed about him even though they were untrue. Just because he didn't leave his house, people began to think something was wrong. Boo was a man who was misunderstood and shouldn't of suffered any injustice. Boo did not handle the injustice because he didn't know about it. In conclusion, the person who deserves the deepest sympathy is Tom Robinson. He did nothing wrong but his crime was being nice to white people. This type of injustice is the worst because everyone puts up with it. Therefore, Atticus, Tom Robinson and Boo Radley suffered the most injustice in the novel....

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions

Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions These resolutions were written by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison in response to the Alien and Sedition Acts. These resolutions were the first attempts by states rights advocates to impose the rule of nullification. In their version, they argued that since the government was created as a compact of the states, they had the right to ‘nullify’ laws that they felt exceeded the granted power of the Federal government. Four Measures of the Alien and Sedition Acts The Alien and Sedition acts were passed while  John Adams  was serving as Americas second president. Their purpose was to fight against criticisms people were making against the government and more specifically the Federalists.  The Acts consist of four measures designed to limit immigration and free speech. They include: The Naturalization Act  - This act increased the residency time for individuals applying for U.S. citizenship. Immigrants would have to live in the US for 14 years in order to be eligible for citizenship. Previous to this, the requirement was 5 years. The reason for this act was that America was in danger of going to war with France. This would give the president the ability to better deal with suspicious foreign nationals.  The Alien Act  - Following the passage of the Naturalization Act, the Alien Act continued to give more power to the presidency over foreign nationals living in the U.S. The president was given the ability to deport aliens during peacetime.The Alien Enemy Act  - A little less than a month later, President Adams signed this Act into law. The purpose of the Alien Enemy Act was to give the president the ability to expel or imprison aliens during times of declared war if those aliens had ties to Americas enemies.  The  Sedition Act  - The final act, pass ed on July 14, 1798, was the most controversial. Any conspiracy against the government including riots and interference with officers would result in a high misdemeanor. This went so far as to stop people from speaking in a false, scandalous and malicious manner against the government.  Newspaper, pamphlet and broadside publishers who printed articles aimed primarily at his administration were the intended targets. The backlash to these acts was probably the main reason why  John Adams  was not elected to a second term as president. The Virginia Resolutions, authored by James Madison, argued that Congress was overstepping their bounds and using a power not delegated to them by the Constitution. The Kentucky Resolutions, authored by Thomas Jefferson, argued that states had the power of nullification, the ability to nullify federal laws. This would later be argued by John C. Calhoun and the southern states as the Civil War neared. However, when the topic came up again in 1830, Madison argued against this idea of nullification.   In the end, Jefferson was able to use the reaction to these acts to ride to the presidency, defeating John Adams in the process.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Experience Vs. Qualification Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4250 words

Experience Vs. Qualification - Essay Example This misconception is not correct that experience matters more than qualification. Qualified graduates need not dishearten in the absence of experience. Accredited qualification helps in offering plenty of job opportunities; it is true for all streams of study, for example taking the stream of Town Planning in which every year 2000 students get graduated from universities with an RTPI-accredited planning degree (Parkes, 2011). Graduates stand more chances of selection by using various recruitment channels rather than depending solely on traditional methods. Students can no more depend on campus recruitment alone. Lack of experience should not discourage graduates. Some of the suggestions for getting jobs are graduation include: 1. Networking these days has become critical for getting recruited, as only one in five jobs are advertised. In the planning job scenario, the young planners’ network group which held even a speed networking event in Birmingham, could be the best platform for meeting the like-minded audience, prospective employers and create links that help in off-campus recruitment. 2. Graduate students need to maintain high level of awareness on current affairs and possess an insight of the policy decisions related to their subject taken by the government at various levels. It can provide an edge over others in the recruitment process. 3. Due to lack of experience, getting a job becomes additionally arduous task. Ideal way is to offer help to prove your calibre; it can realise in bigger gains. Initially, an employer could be unwilling to offer a permanent job but afterwards may find the services offered by the graduate indispensable to the organisation and could materialise in job offering; it has happened in many cases. 4. Lookout for the organisation that could offer you your dream job. Locate the person doing that dream job, and request their time to guide you on getting where they are today. Such people can offer better advice as they had been in similar position where a graduate finds himself. Chances of getting that dream job could brighten if your dream job is advertised and that guide recalls you to offer that opportunity. 5. Widen your knowledge circumference and work experience to be called for the waiting opportunity amid economic downturn and job competition. Your passion for the job to the prospective employers should be clearly visible while you are still amidst your study. Offer yourself to be a volunteer to charities and community organisations to lead their projects. The RTPl website can provide required assistance pertaining to recruitment agencies and guidance from those who have overseas experience, which can be worked out for getting a competitive edge (Parkes, 2011). Explanation of the Terms Qualification Before arguing in favour of qualification standing better prospects of job selection, a definition of qualification can help in comprehending how a qualifications framework in a given qualifications system can help graduates in selection. Werquin