Monday, February 17, 2020

Impact of collaborative learning Research Paper

Impact of collaborative learning - Research Paper Example I have examined the impact of collaborative learning on students by use of simple regression analysis. The results indicate that collaborative learning had a positive effect on the performance of students. The study shows the proportion of collaborative learning to performance. The study also highlights areas of further study. Although the traditional classroom learning has it advantages, it is very imperative for a school to adopt collaborative learning as this will develop the students academically and socially (Inaja & Eraywoke, 2010, p.46). Introduction Collaborative learning is a scenario where individuals engage in learning mutually through taking part in discussions. It involves individuals learning together and taking advantages of each other skills, experience and resources. Collaborative learning is also a tutoring technique in which learners at different performance stages learn together in small groups toward a universal objective. On the other hand, traditional classroom is the process of learning where teachers give knowledge by use of lectures. The students are passive in the classrooms, but they write the ideas down. The exchange of ideas in the discussion groups not only increase exchange of ideas, but also promote critical and creative thinking. Most of the research studies conducted have been concentrated on the primary and secondary levels. There is convincing proof that supportive groups attain at elevated levels of thinking and maintain information longer than students who labor as individuals. The mutual erudition provides learners with a chance to connect in argument, take accountability for their own knowledge, and hence become decisive thinkers. Collaborative learning is founded on the suggestion that knowledge is more proactive through social action where learners actively engage in the learning modules and learning materials. Learners will absorb knowledge more easily through connecting with each other in the group discussion. Collab orative learning will give learners an opportunity to get exposed to dissimilar and varied environment. Learners will communicate, present and support thoughts, and exchange principles that they feel need engagements (Wei-Fan & Chung-Pei, 2011, p.57). The system incorporates social interaction in studies and makes learning more enjoyable and easy to comprehend. The method takes place when students are dynamically occupied in an area where studying takes place through clear or inherent attempts. The method involves a cognitive process by which teachers act as facilitators and students as recipients of knowledge. Collaborative learning method involves the use of networks, virtual classrooms, periodic group tests, and the use of dialogue. Collaborative learning has been tested and analyzed through tools that are designed to offer students a grasp of the learning experience. Furthermore, the method ensures that students and teachers engage each other in the learning process and undertak e constructive dialogue in class. Although, the method does not

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