Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Athens V Sparta Geography - 1229 Words

Athens v. Sparta Geographical Showdown Although they pursued different cultural paths, Sparta and Athens were both strongly shaped by their geographical circumstances. After the fall of the Mycenaean Empire many local institutions called poleis took the lead in restoring Greece. Many of these city-states grew independently, adapting to their physical surroundings. The two most famous of these poleis were Athens and Sparta. For example, Athens adapted to its access to the Mediterranean Sea by basing its economy on maritime trade. Sparta on the other hand was founded on a fertile region in center of Peloponnesus, which made them very xenophobic and military based. The geography was a key aspect that affected the Athenian and†¦show more content†¦Also when negotiations failed when attempting to add another polis to this league, the Athenians were not afraid to use force. For example,† in 470, when Naxos wanted to drop out of the alliance Athens refused and a war broke out which resulted in Athens reigning victorious and dismantling the cities walls.† Athens began to later reap money from the members of this league for beautif ication of their own city. Athens at this moment was at is peak in power and culture or as Pericles put it, â€Å"Athens was the education of Greece† ATHENS – Delian league trading with allies within leagues then intimidated them with their powerful navy and then stole their money (mention golden age of Athens led by Pericles) Where ones situated could determine the social structure of a polis. In Sparta, as mentioned before, because they situated in an unfavorable area near the center of Peloponnesus, with no access to the ocean and rocky terrain encircling them, the Spartans took the military approach conquering other poleis and making some and enslaving their citizens. Amongst the Laconians that were conquered, some became periokoi, or artisans who were free non-citizens of Sparta. Others, however, most became helots, who were slaves tied to the Spartan land, which they were located on, for life. They were regarded as the lowest social class in the Spartan society, and were beaten and murdered annually by the Krypteia, the Spartan terror force. Regarded highestShow MoreRelated Greek Education v.s Roman Education Essay examples6135 Words   |  25 PagesGreek pupils were composed of basic arithmetic and reading and writing skills until at least age eleven (Handbook: Rome 211). With the exception of Sparta, Classic Greek schools taught these basic skills to practically all young children, but only the sons of the rich would continue their studies up to age eighteen (Handbook: Greece 253). Classical Athens consisted of three basic forms of education: reading, music, and gymnastics (Handbook: Greece 253) Athenian schools consisted of reading, writingRead MoreGreek Education V.S Roman Education6248 Words   |  25 PagesGreek pupils were composed of basic arithmetic and reading and writing skills until at least age eleven (Handbook: Rome 211). With the exception of Sparta, Classic Greek schools taught these basic skills to practically all young children, but only the sons of the rich would continue their studies up to age eighteen (Handbook: Greece 253). Classical Athens consisted of three basic forms of education: reading, music, and gymnastics (Handbook: Greece 253) Athenian schools consisted of reading, writingRead MoreAlexander the Great Essay13163 Words   |  53 Pagesnations in their region, calling the new town Alexandropolis. Philips autocracy was not appreciated by the Athenians, and Demosthenes considered him semi-barbarian. Obviously the hegemony of Macedonia presented a threat for the autonomous politics of Athens. Related articles on the net: Aristotle and Alexander Hephaistion Bucephalus - various traditions PERSEUSPROJECT, wives and sons: Paus. 9.7.2 PERSEUSPROJECT, passionate nature: Paus. 6.18.2 PERSEUSPROJECT, good fortune: Paus.4.35.4,Paus.7.10.3 PERSEUSPROJECT

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