Tuesday, December 24, 2019

The Threat Of Boko Haram Essay - 2157 Words

The perspective that Strategic Theorists have on the recent suicide bombing in Nigeria by terrorist cell Boko Haram would be that the intention of Boko Haram would not be that of pure rage and hatred but that of a strategic value. Nicholas Lemann highlights the views and some of the assumptions of this theory in his article What Terrorists Want. One of the main assumptions of strategic theory that this event does touch upon would be the assumption that Boko Haram has a political goal and their goal is to help create an Islamic state in Nigeria as especially northern Nigeria is a mainly Muslim population compared to the more Christian south of the country. What he would say about this event is that Boko Haram is not doing these bombings out of complete hatred for non-religious Nigerian Citizens but that they are doing this for a more complex reason, that they are part of a movement of using these bombings and conflict to create civil war and recruit people to create a wider Islamic S tate as a more ultimate goal. Boko Haram is allied with ISIL and shows that they are not just doing this out of pure rage but that they are serious about reaching their goal of a new Islamic state in Nigeria and aren’t just performing attacks like these out of pure rage like another theory in this article says. Another perspective of strategic theory especially in the case of the modern Islamic terrorists is that these terrorists recruit with these acts such as suicide bombings to show that notShow MoreRelatedThe Threat Of Boko Haram Essay1595 Words   |  7 Pagesemphasizes the preservation of the well-being of persons, including the protection of their socioeconomic, political and environmental rights. The notion of security is reorganized as a social construct, imbued with human faces (p.855). Although Boko Haram is categorized as a terrorist organization, it remains difficult to define terrorism itself under international law. With the rising of nationalist movements af ter the World War II in the old empires of the European powers, modern terrorism hasRead MoreBoko Haram : A Threat Of Western Civilization3365 Words   |  14 Pagesworshipers (Abubakar). Gombe is located in the northeastern region of Nigeria; northern Nigeria is an established Islamic region. Islamic extremist group Boko Haram, is gaining power within the north with the intention of destroying western civilization. Christianity is seen to be a result of western civilization. Many say that the group, Boko Haram, has purposely established themselves in the north with the purpose of isolating the desperate poor communities that live there. It’s unfortunate to seeRead MoreBoko Haram Is The Most Powerful Group1468 Words   |  6 Pagesinto an arrangement of shocking terror unbridled by Boko Haram. Nigeria has always been at the heart of security threatening challenges, but Boko Haram is the most powerful group as of yet. Boko Haram has claimed responsibility for many bombings and other terrorist activities north and central Nigeria, thus placing Nigeria on the verge of dissolution. Till date, terror caused by Boko Hara has resulted in an estimate of about 10,000 deaths. Boko Haram, officially called Jama’tu Ahlis Sunna Lidda’AwatiRead MoreThe Involvement Of Boko Haram1243 Words   |  5 Pagesterrorist organization wishes. This strategy has been utilized to aide recruitment. Boko Haram began to receive attention in 2003 when it launched attacks against police stations. The organization continued to attack police stations for a few years, primarily to steal arms and ammunition, but also because they understood that these were targets with high success rates. Not only did these targets provide weapons for Boko Haram, but it also increased their recruitment, due to the government s inability toRead More1.) Problem Statement: Boko Haram Has Become A Rapidly942 Words   |  4 Pages 1.) Problem Statement: Boko Haram has become a rapidly increasing threat to Northern Africa and the surrounding areas. There radical Islamic ideology has made them a serious threat to many North African nations who share similar ideologies, as well as a serious threat to the South African nations who are predominantly Christian. 2.) Background: Boko Haram is an Islamic terrorist organization that originated in Nigeria in 2002. Since the conception of Boko Haram, various attacks have been upheldRead MoreA Brief Note On The Country Of Nigeria1584 Words   |  7 PagesThis has recently led to very violent acts of protest and the taking of thousands of innocent lives. These acts of terrorism by northern Nigerian Islam extremists are becoming much more frequent because of a rather newly created terrorist group, Boko Haram. The group is growing in power and most likely is not being shut down any time soon. There are many reasons for this, including many Nigerian citizens being in poverty, Nigeria’s corrupt government, and most crucial, religious conflict. NigeriaRead MoreWhy Is Boko Haram?1625 Words   |  7 Pagesand remorseless assassinations, Nigeria has proven that while terrorism may be on the decline, local terrorist groups seem to still be on the rise and the unprecedented terrorist operations of Boko Haram have shattered the hope that peace is returning to Africa’s most populous country any time soon (â€Å"Boko Haram†). Nigeria is a West African country with a population of about 170 million people. It is a country divided with religion and ethnicity. The country is made up of both Muslims and ChristiansRead MoreBoko Haram : Africa Of Peril1529 Words   |  7 PagesBoko Haram: Africa in Peril The African Continent has had numerous problems in the last century that have caused low development, low hygiene, and high death rates. These problems include finances, lack of clean food and water, poor weather, diseases, and terrorist attacks. All of these problems can cause death, poverty, or a need to emigrate from the area. For years these problems have made it difficult to develop these countries to enable them to help their citizens and vanquish these problemsRead MoreBoko Haram : A Islamic Organization1445 Words   |  6 Pages Boko Haram is a militant Islamic group based in northeastern Nigeria, but is also active in northern Cameroon, Chad, and Niger (â€Å"Boko Haram Fast Facts† 1). Their main purpose as an organization is to institute Sharia, which is known as Islamic law (â€Å"Boko Haram Fast Facts† 1). In the local Hausa dialect, one of the largest ethnic groups spoken in West Africa, Boko Haram means â€Å"Western education is forbidden† (†Å"Boko Haram Fast Facts† 1). The group is also referred to as Jama’atu Ahlis Sunna Lidda’awatiRead MoreThe Violence Of Boko Haram1129 Words   |  5 Pagesand we don’t seem to notice. On April 14, nearly 300 Nigerian girls were abducted from their school. We cannot even imagine their darkest fears or the pain they are going through with the Boko Haram terrorists who took them. Boko Haram is a group of Nigerian terrorists ruled by a man named Abubakar. Boko Haram stands for â€Å"Western education is sinful†. But we can imagine how their parents and family are feeling. The abduction of these girls has led to many social media trends calling for their rescue

Monday, December 16, 2019

Stereotypes in the Classroom Free Essays

â€Å"If Americans are to embrace diversity, the conscious and unconscious expressions of racism (sexism) within our society must be identified and done away with. † Teachers must prepare themselves and the children for the ever changing challenge of interacting and communicating with diverse races. Reduction of fear, ignorance, and personal detachment are possible benefits to a multicultural education ( (Wilson). We will write a custom essay sample on Stereotypes in the Classroom or any similar topic only for you Order Now Multicultural education is the potential catalyst to bring all races together in harmony. Educators today have a moral responsibility to move beyond the limits of racial context to a social context that embraces humanity without barriers and fear. The responsibility of teachers is to get to know the children and the families that will be entering the program. Classrooms need to reflect every child and every family in the class. Do not make assumptions of what a child’s ethnic background is. This is putting a stereotype as to what you think of that culture. Get to know the children so that you can respectfully and accurately reflect them, their families and their lifestyles in the classroom ( (York, 2003). Children should feel like they belong in the class. Teachers need to make sure that they greet each child by name as they enter the classroom at the beginning of the day and to say good bye at the end of the day. Teachers need to remember to stay away from commercial teaching materials. Cartoon imagines inaccurately portray human beings and human diversity (York, 2003). Multicultural children’s books can be used effectively as a means for coming to understand individual human stories, and the universal emotions and themes they contain. Teachers need to be careful when picking books to use in the classroom. A book may look good when you first look at it but it may contain one or more stereotypic images. Teachers need to be very critical in evaluating books that they want to use in the classroom. Make sure that authors are writing fiction for young children that authenticate a culture’s heritage. How to cite Stereotypes in the Classroom, Essay examples

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Dispute Resolution Parties free essay sample

There are several forms of alternative dispute resolution, mediation, arbitration, negotiation, conciliation, mini-trial, fact-finding and utilizing a judicial referee. Arbitration and mediation are similar to where it is a form of negotiation and a neutral party settles the dispute. Negotiation is where the two parties negotiate to settle the dispute. A mini-trial is a shortened version of a traditional litigation trial. Fact-finding situations call for the parties to employ a third party to investigate the facts to come to a resolution. Lastly, a judicial referee is much like a mini-trial but both parties reserve the right to appeal. Ninety percent of cases are resolved through alternative dispute resolution (Harms,  2011). The next several paragraphs will identify risks associated with traditional litigation and the advantages of the alternative dispute resolution in reducing those risks. A Formal Process In a traditional litigation the process is very structured. Usually a lawyer is needed to represent then the process will proceed through the judicial system. We will write a custom essay sample on Dispute Resolution Parties or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page A judge and jury will render an unpredictable ruling based on the law rather than justice. An alternative dispute resolution is much more flexible. In the alternative dispute resolution parties can select a neutral decision maker with specific expertise pertaining to the dispute. The procedure and format also can be agreed upon by both parties. Full Disclosure The traditional litigation system is opened up to the media and public. The risk of proprietary confidential information from the organization can get out to the public and may hurt the organizations reputation. Competitors can obtain the information and use it to their advantage. Also others may become privy to the dispute and jump on the band wagon. The alternative dispute resolution is a private confidential process. The parties can specify that neither party will disclose details about the dispute or its resolution (American Management Association, 2011). Time-Consuming Each step of the traditional litigation can take so much time where it results in years before the judge and jury rule on a case. The answer phase is where the defendant provides an answer to the plaintiff can be lengthy. The discovery part of the process is where each party engages in various activities to discover facts of the case from the other party and witnesses prior to trial can be exhausting and time consuming (Cheeseman, 2010). Of course the trial can drag on for years. The alternative dispute resolution processes have realistic options to resolve disputes expeditiously. Cost Traditional litigation can become very expensive. The lawyers are expensive and depending on the length and the investigative work behind the scenes it will only increase the cost. Mediation, arbitrations and other forms of alternative dispute resolutions are not as pricey. The cost to the organization can affect the bottom-line. In addition with aspects of the disputes consuming much of the managers time, less time is spent doing their day-to-day duties. Reducing Risk Involved with Litigation Process There are steps managers can take to reduce the risk of litigation. Managers can ensure proper insurance is maintained and terms and conditions are understood among the workforce. Code of ethics training should be given regularly to explain risk associated. Management must remain cognizant of the environment and rules and regulation of the organization. A risk analysis can be developed by using internal and external influences, which would cause potential lawsuits on the company and how those risks can be mitigated. Traditional litigation can be protracted, costly and vexatious. Unfortunate for organizations some individuals want to expose the company and want their day in court. The process cost can affect the bottom-line and disrupt the business. With the alternative dispute resolution processes, it can be less expensive, confidential, less time-consuming and more informal. This way the company spends less time consumed with reactive litigations and more time doing what they do best. References American Management Association (AMA). (2011). What is ADR? Retrieved from http://wwwocc. treas. gov Cheeseman, H. R. (2010). Business Law: Legal Environment, Online Commerce, Business Ethics, and International Issues (7th ed. ). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. Harms, S. (April 26, 2011). Traditional Litigation vs. ADR. Retrieved from http://www. jdsupra. com